Saturday, November 12, 2011

My Pinterest projects!

So, as a lemming, I like to follow the crowd a bit.  And the crowd screamed, "Pinterest!"  And now I'm quite obsessed.  I found so many things to "pin" and many of them are not merely funny quips, thought provoking photos, or other hilarity...many are things you must try. Needless to say my "I can do that" folder is filling up and I hadn't even tried one thing. This blog is my attempt to force myself into trying some of these DIY's. Be prepared, I am pretty brave and will try just about anything that won't break the bank or burn my house down (well, I could burn my house down on any given day just making dinner, so we'll see). Follow me as I attempt some of the things I've "pinned" and provide you, the reader/follower with the confidence to also "pin"....or not.

Ta-ta for now!


  1. Love it, Amy! I am really surprised at the amount of things I have done because of Pinterest! All you're missing on the blog is a "Pin It" button. I mean, that is a MUST, right?
